Common Alcohol/Phenol/Thiol Applications
This molecule, while also used recreationally as a psychoactive drug, is also used as a common anti-septic used in wipes, hand sanitizer, and other common uses as a disinfectant. Ethanol works to kill bacteria and organisms by "denaturing" the proteins in thier body and dissolving their lipids. Of course, it is also used as a central nervous system depressant, as well as being a usual medical solvent for things such as pain medication.
During the early ages when phenol was first being experimented with, it was used as a soap (carbolic soap). This was due to Joseph Lister discovering its antiseptic properties. Along with this, it is also used in a process called matrixectomy, which is the process of removing ingrown toe nails and finger nails using specific chemicals (as first discovered/discribed by Otto Boll). In modern times, it is used as an active ingredient in oral analgesics and is a preservative in some vaccines. Other than medical uses it is used in paint stribbers and in the aviation industry for epoxy removal.
This thiol is used primarily in the production of methionine, which is a dietary factor and component in the creation and manufacturing of poultry and animal feed. It is used as a intermediate and a moderator for polymerizations, the precursor in the manufacturing process of pesticides, and as an odorant due to its compatibilty with methane. It has a very distinct smell of "rotten eggs", and is widely known as an indicator of a possible gas leak if it is smelled from within a home/structure.
2-Octanol is used for a variety of purposes and factors. For one, it is used as a low-volatility solvent for resins, agrochemicals, and mineral extractions. It is used as a defoaming agent as well for oil, gas, pulp, and coal. Along with this, it is used primarily as a reaction intermediate for the creation of various other chemicals and molecules. These include: pesticides, lubricants, emollients, surfactants, perfumes, and disinfectant soaps. The molecule has also had research performed on it for its use in being a factor in controlling Essential Tremors and other neurological tremors.
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